The impact of optical fiber in the World

We see today the boom of the benefits of optical fiber: it makes possible web surfing at speeds over 2 million bps, it prevents electromagnetic interference 24/7 without decreasing speed due to traffic. These are some reasons that explain the increase of up to 20% in optical fiber manufacturing per year.

It is key to modern telecommunications due to its capability to carry the large amount of data generated on the internet. Governments and companies are investing in this commodity to increase their bandwidth speed, implement direct communication channels within/between companies HQ and their branches and achieve and maintain video and sound data transmission in real time.

Markets such as the American or Portuguese ones have invested on these technological improvements and have seen the creation of income generating economies. In contrast, countries with lesser technological capabilities and a smaller infrastructure regarding optical fiber report economic stagnation and a decrease on their fixed income.

In Latin America: Colombia launched the Optical Fiber National Program. Mexico renewed its networks for the use of new technologies. Brazil, in alliance with Spain presented a project called Ellalink, which seeks to link Brazil and Europe by 2018 through an optical fiber cable with technical capabilities to carry 72 Tbps.

Switzerland holds the title for the highest average speed. Close on the race, there are Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Austria. As we can see, every-day's technological advancements are forcing the world to keep up and create an adequate support for the data involved..

Recognizing the impact of the optical fiber in the world, Telematica offers this service with our know-how and the highest quality standards.