We know that optimizing your processes require prompt and effective
responses, for this purpose Sistemas de Automatización Telematica
provides you with our expertise and the quality of our innovative integral
Our services in system analysis, consulting, install, testing, and
commissioning of automated systems will enable you to make the best
decisions to solve the challenges you might face.
In order to contribute with the growth and development of our clients by
showing efficient results and achieving goals, we focus on three
categories of integral solutions:

We also carry out project management and coordination on fields such as
feasibility studies, systems design, supervision and execution of works. The
quality and objectives completion rate in our works are
due mainly to
our expertise, technical know-how
and the technological integral solutions provided by our staff.
For these reasons Telematica is known as the pioneer firm
in Venezuela regarding automation systems: we merge together
telecommunications and informatics.

Our history

We are a Venezuelan firm, with 100% of national capital, established in 1996; we mainly focus on solutions for the telecommunication and informatics fields.

It all started in 1986, when a French corporation sends, as a representative to Venezuela, an adventurer specialized in electronic engineering, in order to work on the modernization of the transportation system. This project was the construction of an underground railway that would contribute to the development of the Venezuelan capital.

This adventurer falls in love with Venezuela, the human warmth of its inhabitants and the beauty of its nature. By 1996 he decides to become an entrepreneur and starts Sistemas de Automatización Telematica.

About us

We are a firm dedicated to the implementation of automation systems; we merge telecommunications and informatics. We combine our extensive experience, technical know-how and quality products to offer our customers the best options in design, manufacture, supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of integral solutions, by analyzing the realities of our clients to propose the most suitable and innovative alternatives.

Our goals

To be the main reference in Latin America regarding the supply of automation solutions, by providing integral solutions in constant development and evolution; supported by our expertise and high-quality processes and services.

What defines us?

  • Excellence.
  • Expertise.
  • Quality.
  • Goal attainment.
  • Commitment.
  • Trust.
  • Innovative solutions.

Gerard Lesigne


Electrical Engineer.

Know his career.

Edmundo Brizuela

General Manager.

Master's degree in Electronic Engineering.

Knows his career.